Leg Seven Inch



Leg Seven Inch

If you are looking at the Leg march, you probably already have a Leg record. But if you are new here, and don't, now is your chance. It's a collector's item and Jim's been hoarding some and Chris has been hoarding more. So we have some for sale. And they are expensive now because we are aware of the value they possess. Leg is just getting started. 

You will not get to pick the color. Matte was a wild boy with these and screen printed all of them a little different. You might get a sticker in yours, you might not. Some have fallen out over the years. If your record contains a red Leg sticker, you are considered lucky and we are proud of you. 

LEG is a famous Bloomington band for those not in the know. Matte Cathcart designed the logo. 

We'll probably take some funds from the LEG merch and record some new songs.