We are being productive post election.

Nice day so we did a thing we've been meaning to do. Take all of our old screens and put new mesh on them. A lot of the old screens had holes or were a mess and needed a refresh. So we gutted about 15 of them and put new mesh on them. 

Here is Carley getting ready to do that work.

Here is an old screen with a hole in it. I was just measuring 

Also, we figured out how to print guitar picks yesterday, so we did another round today. Here are the guitar picks with one coat of yellow. Carley printed another layer of black on a lot of these, and they look extra rock and roll.

Here are the picks we printed yesterday. 

And oh yeah yesterday we sublimated socks for the first time and were kind of digging the results so badknees for your feet are coming. 

And look at that cool coaster, too. We're going to be making more of those as well. 

Thanks for reading, 



James Beck